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American Fork City

51 E Main St., American Fork 84003



Welcome to American Fork!

To set up a new Residential or Commercial Utility account, you must agree to the terms below. Please note: upon submission you will be asked to attach proof or property ownership and pay an application fee.

Renters do not need to fill out this application as utilities are to remain in the property owner's name. 


I/We, the undersigned, hereby apply for utility services with American Fork City for the above named premises and agree to pay any and all utility charges (including any accrued late fees and/or interest) incurred for said services as fixed by American Fork City.  I/We understand, acknowledge and agree that:

  1. I/We shall continue to be bound by the City’s ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations applicable to cost, control, maintenance, and operations of such city utility services;

  2.  I/We will be personally liable for the prompt and timely payment of all city utility charges (including accrued late fees and/or interest) incurred for said services;

  3. My/Our failure to promptly and timely pay such charges may result, at the City’s option, in the termination of my utility services (in accordance with the procedures of the American Fork City Code and the laws of the State of Utah), and/or in equity to enforce the terms of this agreement and the City’s applicable ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations.

  4. Whether or not Judicial enforcement is pursued by the City, I/we shall pay the costs and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the city in connection with collection and/or other enforcement of my obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities hereunder as allowed by Utah Code Annotated, sec. 12-1-11; and

  5. The remedies provided herein are cumulative, and the exercise by the City of a particular remedy shall not deprive it of the right or exercise of any other remedy or remedies deemed necessary thereby for the collection of such delinquent amounts.  

I/We agree that it is and shall remain my/our responsibility to pay all amounts owing as set forth herein.  I agree that interest will accrue on all past-due amounts until paid in full.  In the event any amount(s) is/are referred to a third party debt collection agency, I agree that in addition to any other amount(s) allowed for by law (such as interest, court costs, reasonable attorney’s fees, etc.) I will also be responsible for a collection fee of up to 40% of the principal amount(s) owing as allowed by Utah Code Annotated, sec. 12-1-11.  The terms of this paragraph shall apply to all amount(s) incurred by me or by any individual for whom I have legal responsibility whether such amount(s) are incurred today or after today.  

Please check that you agree before continuing.
I agree to the terms of the application
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03/28/2025Click to Sign
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Additional Signatures Required

Proof of property ownership Click Here to Upload